
Monday 31 December 2012

Last Day of the year

This morning when I took the girls for a walk, it was cold, dark and cloudy but on some parts of the sky the sun managed to sneak through. The sunrise was not as spectacular then on other days but still beautiful. 
I can't really believe that another year has passed. It's hard to believe that a year ago I mentioned that I consider moving back to Germany and now a year later I am already here. It's definitely been an interesting year, planning and executing the move to Germany was one of the highlights for sure. Having the Olympic Games in the UK and visiting them another. Nicole and me had a great time down in London. The chance of my own garden here in Germany was great, being out in the country every day is a dream coming through. The inital work I did for Serco in Germany was tiring and stressfull and cut into my slow paced life but it brought the money in, so I should not complain too much.
I am very much looking forward to 2013, there is so much to do, so much plans and so many goals to be achieved.
To the good life in 2013

Thursday 27 December 2012

{this moment} - Things I Love (about the holidays this year)

- Finding my perfect tree and decorating it very traditional just with straw starts and wooden figures from my childhood

- The start of a Solstice tradition (despite the law that fires unless is a fire basket are forbidden where I live)

- simplicity, a quieter Christmas then ususal

- last minute baking to suprise my 90 year old neighbour with some homemade goodies

- spending Christmas Eve at my mom's

- having my mom and brother over for Christmas day and enjoying the goose I made with traditional red cabbage

- singing Christmas Carols

- watching the dogs with their new piggies

- some quiet time doing cross stiching

- knowing that my cousin loved the dress that I made for her daughter

What did you love about the holidays this year?

Friday 21 December 2012


Winter is the king of showmen,
Turning tree stumps into snow men
And houses into birthday cakes
And spreading sugar over the lakes.
Smooth and clean and frost white
The world looks good enough to bite.
That's the season to be young,
Catching snowflakes on your tongue.
Snow is snowy when it's snowing
I'm sorry it's slushy when it's going.
--ogden nash

Wishing you and your families wonderful holiday season, with much traditions, loved once around you and time to soak in and appreciate this magical time of the year. I will see you back here towards middle of next week.

Friday 14 December 2012

{this moment}

A Friday ritual Inspired by SouleMama

A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.


If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Christmas Market in Bad Gandersheim


Old town center

Christmas tree in the town center

the cathedral and beginning of the market

Christmas Market

Christmas Market
Yesterday in the late afternoon I went into town to visit the Christmas Market. The town is beautifully decorated and the snow just makes it look more amazing in my eyes.
I enjoyed the walk over the market, looking at all the stands and enjoying what they have to offer. Part of what I like about our Market is the opportunity it gives or local small business to offer their products (such as beekeepers, wood workers and the likes) but also the chance for the kindergarden to offer products made by the kids and raise money. The simplicity in the products offered there just warmth my heart and knowing that the money I spend is staying local is very important to me.

Saturday 8 December 2012

From dawn to dusk

Wishing you and your families a wonderful 2nd Advent!

Monday 3 December 2012


Been busy today, to finish of one of the gifts, I had planned to make, a dress from Anna Maria Horner's book, which I thought looked just way too cute.

This is the finished dress, it's just so cute and goes to an equally cute girl :)

Sunday 2 December 2012


Wishing you all a very happy 1st Advent