From very early on, I figured that I would not mind raising a child alone if I didn't find the right guy and I put my early 30s, down as my own deadline.
It was in 2007 when I first found out about using sperm donation to become a parent and I have done reasearch on this topic ever since. In later years I also looked into the possibilities of adoption and IVF. The deadline that I gave my self was that when I turned 30 and had no partner, I would go and become a single mom by choice (SMC).
I started my first round of ttc (trying to conceive) in January 2012. It took 3 different donors and several unsuccessful attempts before I fell pregnant on the first try with my 3rd donor.
Insemination happened on September 7th and ovulation was on September 8th, so as before the timing was perfect. My period was due on Septemebr 22nd but I had no real symptoms that shouted out pregnancy to me. I had resigned my self to the fact that it was another negative, even when I tested on the 23rd I was sure it was a negative, so when within minutes of me peeing on the stick the test turned positive, I was positively shocked. I hugged my dogs and told them that we are pregnant and could not believe it. It took a while to sink in,in fact, a week later I tested again, just to be sure that I was still pregnant.
My first doctors appointment was on October 17th and it was nerve wracking to wait that long.
I had no symptoms that said ‘pregnant’ so I was scared that there was no heartbeat but I also had no bleeding, so things should have been OK but all I wanted was to hear the doctor say, all is well. And he did tell me all is well with both babies… that’s how I found out that I was not only pregnant but also expecting fraternal twins. Was I shocked, yes, for a nano-second I was shocked, I always joked around that I would like to have twins, but never expected to be blessed with twins, as they don’t run in the family. I was more happy then shocked to be honest but once I got home and settled down, the reality of twins settled in and for an hour or so I panicked about how I would manage twins financially and figured I would just make it work, like I make anything else work when I set my mind to it.
I told my mom that I was pregnant on her birthday (by that time I was just a day or so short of being 10 weeks pregnant) and she is so happy to becoming an ‘Omi’ (German for grandma), I was not able to stop her from telling everyone.
The pregnancy so far is going well, I have had no issues and the twins development is right on track. In fact they have consistently been a week ahead of schedule, so that we have no changed the due date to end of May, instead of early June.
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