
Wednesday, 18 February 2015


"Anyone who thinks gardening begins in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year; for gardening begins in January with the dream" - Josephine Nuese

2015 will be a different year on my urban homestead then 2013 and 2014. With the soon to be birth of the twins (right during planting season), things will be out of sync. Even during the fall of last year I could not prepare the land as much as I wanted and now I don’t know how much I am able to do before the twins are born (or what I am able to do after the birth).

My goals for this year have been cut right back, I have reduced the rabbits to zero for the time being, as it’s too much work for one pregnant person to muck out the rabbits weekly but I hope that come fall I find a young doe to re-start raising meat rabbits. And to be fair, due to last years success with the meat rabbits I still have 12 rabbits in the freezer, which will last me for the next 12 month. 

The berry bushes will tend to themselves, so other then making sure they are weed free, there is not much to do. As the berries (raspberries, currants, gooseberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries) will be ready for harvest well after the babies are born, I don’t see much of a problem there. I have planted many raspberries along the fence line last summer/fall and so far they look good, so here is to hoping I will get many raspberries. I am currently using up the last of the frozen berries from last year and will most likely finish them by mid March (at the latest). That was a nice and decent harvest last year.

Planting the tomatoes is not an issue either, as I grow them close to the house in pods, so again they are easy to maintain. Biggest cut back this year will be in the main garden. I only plan on my favorites for this year and what I think I can easily handle. So far I plan on peas (early and late), onions (some have already been planted), salad, radish, cucumbers and possibly carrots. 
That’s way less then in others years and leaves a lot of space that my mom will use but she already thought that she will add potatoes to her usual harvest of beans.

There is also some work that needs to be done around the garden. There is a small plot of grass and weeds where I started to work on putting raised beds but at the moment I am stuck to do anything else and I guess, the work will have to wait until summer, so that I end up with raised beds for next year.

I hope that the main work will only start after the twins and that come end of June I am able to spend an hour or two per day in the garden to look after things.But again, I see how it works and if it doesn’t work out then it doesn’t, I won’t stress about it.

Also I do look forward to spend the weekend looking at seeds an maybe do some indoor planting on several seeds in the very near future.

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