
Sunday, 9 March 2014

Garden Update 08.03.2014

This morning was a great reminder of why I love spring so much. I woke up around 6am, the sun was just peaking through and the sky was lit in a slightly pink light. Most amazingly, the birds were chirping and singing. Today was the first day that I can say I hear the birds in the early morning, just after waking up, if that is not a sign of spring what is?

I have been busy again in the garden yesterday. There is so much prep work to do, yet I am grateful, the mild winter meant, that I am able to start much earlier this year. I have pulled weeds out of the flower beds, moved the tiny lilac bush out of harms way (the dogs). Set some more stones to finish of the bed for all my bushes and planted my blueberry bush in the last available space. 

I also planted another row of carrots and a row of peas. Two rows of fodder crops went in the soil as well. This early spring means, that I am able to plant a row or so each week, meaning I can maximize harvest for several weeks and not have everything ready at once. I have planted some more tomato and kohlrabi seeds and checked out the greenhouse, where salad is coming out now. 
Due to us having no frost or snow or rain, the soil dries out the moment you work  on it, which means I need to make sure I give the seeds plenty of water to start growin.

planting peas

look at the onions

forced rhubarb

added wood chips underneath the bushes

inside the greenhouse

strawberry plant

planting fodder crops

more fodder crops

burning some of the old wood

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you with your gardening.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
