Niklas |
Jacob |
Niklas |
Jacob |
Last night I was supposed to go out for a community club meeting. Since I am chair person of the community club and we had to discuss and plan the next two event for November and December I had to make an appearance. For the last meeting (back in June) I took the boys with me but this time my mom said she would watch them, so that they can go to bed like they normally do and stay in their rhythm. The meeting was at my friend Claudia's place, which is a 2 minute drive to mine, so in case of emergency I could be home quickly.
Unfortunately the boys had a bad day yesterday and already in the evening (hours before I had to leave) they were both crying for no apparent reason. Eventually they settled down and went to sleep at their normal time. Niki was quite unsettled and I figured he would wake up again and he did at 7.15pm, so I nursed him back to sleep. My mom came at 7:30pm and I got ready and left the house at 7:50pm with both kids asleep.
I started the meeting at 8pm and had a call at 8:03pm with two wailing babies. So I left to go home and check out what was going on. Niki was in my mom's arms crying and Jakey was still in bed half asleep and crying. I picked him up first and he stopped crying and settled. then I picked up Niki who immediately upon being in my arms stopped crying, he didn't want to nurse and he didn't want to sleep. Jacob was tired and still have asleep, so I decided to make a small bottle for Jacob, which my mom was happy to give him and I took Niki in the baby carrier and took him to the meeting with me. Niki was happy to be with me and was out until 9pm with me and Jacob was asleep very quickly for my mom.
Turns out those two are mommy boys through and through (especially Niki). My mom said, Niki was crying within a minute of me leaving and no amount of cuddling and comforting helped. insted with all his crying he woke up Jakey and then it was a vicious circle. Funny how those two never make a sound after 8pm when I am at home, but the two times I had to be out after 8pm and I mom looked after them, they woke up (mind you the first time my mom looked after them they woke at 10:30pm)
I honestly can not believe that the boys are already 4 month old today. It feels as if it was just yesterday, that I took them home from the hospital. Things are certainly busy and I rarely get a minute that is not spend with the boys. Right now I can't wait for them to become more mobile. All in all I have two happy babies who rarely cry and for that I am grateful.OK so whats up with each one? Niklas is a mommy's boy, it starts with the fact that he will only feed from the breast and will under no circumstances take anything else. He has recently found his voice and is babbling and talking a lot, the louder he can talk the better. He is easily spooked with loud, unexplained noises. He can grab things with his hands, he loves to eat his fist but doesn't suck his thump. He loves to laugh and giggles a lot. He can lift his head, and tries to lift his bum in order to move. He loves to sit too. He is also starting to smile at strangers. If he is unhappy he sounds like a little kitten.Jacon is a mommy's boy too but is also happy to see his Omi. He is a very happy baby who loves to smile and smiles at everyone. He is very demanding when he wants something (e.g. bottle of milk) and can become very loud if it doesn't happen fast enough. He has the most adorable smile you can imagine and when he smiles his whole face (including the eyes) smiles. He hates tummy time but can lift his head. He loves to grab things and can happily play on his own for some time, as long as he can grab things.Stats wise the boys are as following, which is right on target for 4 month:Niklas: Jacob:weight 6690g weight 7090gheight 63cm height 63cmhead: 42cm head: 42cm
It was last weekend when fall suddenly appeared. Before that it was still nice and warm, just like summer, but since then temperatures dropped, its raining more, the mornings are cooler and you can feel the chill of fall in the air. I have not posted much about the garden lately. Currently I am harvesting and processing cucumbers and tomatoes a few times a week. I also harvested the potatoes yesterday but there is not much more going on in the garden this year. Beans are few and now it's mostly weeds, in the garden :( . Slowly I need to start the process of prepping the garden for fall/winter. I decided against a fall garden this year. I was barely able to cope with garden as it was with the twins so little, so I will just prepare the garden for winter and start new next year.