
Saturday, 31 May 2014

Treasures found

May has been a bit of a treasure hunting month for me. Having helped my neighbor to clear her house, a few things made their way over to my place, like this old hand wagon from the 1950s. It might not look like much but with a bit of pain on it will look like new. I am still in the process of restoring it but other then the wheels, everything else is already painted and it looks good and is handy around the garden.

Then this week, we had a long weekend (Thursday to Sunday), it already started to rain on Wednesday and I decided there is no better way to spend the day, then to go on my moms attic and get a few of my boxes down. Every few month I am doing this and it's a joy to look into them. The thing is the boxes are on this attic since 1995 when my parents bought the house and we moved in. All of it are old toys or books and I am getting a lot of pleasure out of opening them. I am slowly working my way though the boxes, throwing out what I don't want to keep and putting the few toys that I want to keep for my kids on the side, as well as the books. On Wednesday I found two boxes full of stuff known in Germany as "Bärenwald Schule", I loved to play with those and am definitely keeping them for my kids. I don't know what they are called in English but they are similar to this, only that I had bears.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

This Week In My Kitchen :: Blog Hop

Joining Heather from Beauty that moves today: 
A weekly collection of photos from the center of my home

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Garden Update May 28th

It has been a week full of rain so far. This has been great in the sense that I didn't need to spend time watering the garden but I was also unable to spend much time in it to pull out weeds. So far the garden is way ahead of schedule in terms of growing. I have been able to enjoy fresh salad for most of May and already harvested the row of Spinach once, before it grew back like. The first row of early peas is ready to harvest in a week or two and the berries are getting there too. I am already harvesting strawberries each day and also sneaked in a taste of raspberries and red currants. 

How are things going in your garden?

Sunday, 25 May 2014


Have a good weekend everyone !  

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

My sweet rabbits

My sweet rabbits are growing every day. They are 16 days old now and yesterday morning it was the first time that they ventured out of their nest. Mom keeps an eye on them all the time and ensures that they go back in to stay warm. They are very cute to watch and I can spend hours just watching them...

Monday, 19 May 2014

Maibock Fete

On Saturday, the Bürgerverein, held it's Maibock Fete. It's a get together in early May for the people in our community to have a BBQ, drink and just be out and about. It has been my first event as the chair person for the Bürgerverein and it was a great success. We had many people coming out to celebrate with us (more then in the past), the weather was good, we received many compliments and just had a good time. Best compliment I received that evening was someone commenting that they are very happy that I took over as chair person and also that my dad would be very proud of what I am accomplishing.

Friday, 16 May 2014

{this moment}

A Friday ritual Inspired by SouleMama

A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see      

Thursday, 15 May 2014

This Week In My Kitchen :: Blog Hop

Joining Heather from Beauty that moves today: 
A weekly collection of photos from the center of my home