
Thursday, 30 May 2013

Garden Update May 30th

It's been a very rainy week and I was afraid the garden might be drowing... It stopped raining yesterday, so I was out today, to check on the garden and to get you an update.

beans, lettuce and some onions are slowly growing

best part.. harvested some rhubarb and and added some frozen strawberries :)

Monday, 27 May 2013

The little stream

There is a little stream where I live and where I am taking the dogs for a swim quite often. During the rain season, that little stream turns into a big one and used to flood the village and next town on countless of occasions. 15 years ago, a dam was build, so that the water is collected in a massive field during the heavy rain and it can be controlled how much water is released, so that floodings can be avoided.

The last 3 day we saw constant rain and even the week before that was quite a lot of rain, tonight was the first instance where it stopped raining for more then an hour, so I went out quickly to gather these pictures of what the little stream looks like now...

Friday, 24 May 2013

{this moment}

A Friday ritual Inspired by SouleMama

A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember

If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see

Monday, 20 May 2013

Garden Update


root crops




raish and invisible carrots


I have been in and out of the garden on a daily basis lately. The last 5-6 days had a day of sunshine followed by heavy rain, followed by sunshine followe by heavy rain and so on. When the sun was out, I was outside to loosen up the ground between the seeds, to ensure the water can drain properly. All the work was sucessfull and the seeds that I plante just 1 week and a half ago are coming out nicely. There is so much going on at the moment in the garden and I love how quickly things are turning from nothing to seedlings coming out. I had the first radish that I planted in April yesterday and as you know the first pieces of rhubarb last week. Every day the garden becomes a little more green and for that I am very grateful

Friday, 17 May 2013

{A moment}



Today, instead of {this moment}, I will be taking {a moment} as inspired by SouleMama.
A silent moment in thoughtful memory of Kathreen and Rob who tragically died this week and sending a  love and light to their children.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

First harvest of the season - Rhubarb

Very yummy is all that I can say :)

Meet the cast - Thumper

I'd like you to meet Thumper, a 1.5 year old buck that has joined the homestead today and will be my breeding buck (together with Muckel). Thumper came to me via an old friend of my dad's. When I was younger and me dad was still breeding rabbits, Boxer and me dad used to exchange breeding bucks or does every few years to keep the lines fresh. He wanted to give this one away as he had no room left and now he is with me.
Thumper has just joined us this morning and is still quite anxious and shy but I am sure he will settle in soon. He has beautiful markings don't you think?

Monday, 13 May 2013


My kitchen was one of the major things that needed to get done. I wanted to have tiles on the wall and so today we actually spend the day to fix the kitchen. Looks beautiful don't you think? I still need to tidy up and do something about the floor but so far it looks already amazing

Thursday, 9 May 2013

A walk in the countryside

Oh how I love May, everything starts to turn green
Truely blessed to live here!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

the rabbits & their food

Since Muckel has turned 4 month now, I figured I give it a try to mate him and Mia. So I took her out of the cage and put her in his cage and waited and watched. Here is the two of them together. From what I learned Muckel might have been successfull but we will only know for sure in 31 days from now. Well fingers crossed.

 I then spend some time to clear and thin out the root crops that I planted for the rabbits

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

cabbage & beans

Eearlier today I went to the local nursery to get some red & white cabbage and kholrabi plants. At 0.15 cent the piece it was cheaper to get them grown at the nursery then me attempting to do it at home (and I did try at least with the kholrabi). I planted them, as well as the beans and some more cucumbers and just as I finished a nice slow rain started to fall down, that's what I call timing