I love Saturdays, not because I am off work and can relax but because I can spend so much time around the homestead, doing things I love.
Usually I start my Saturday morning around 7am. While the tea cools of in the kitchen, I am outside and start the chores with the rabbits. Saturday is cleaning day and by 7.15am I am usually done with having taken out the old straw and bedding and refilled it with fresh straw.
Both Mia and Muckel are doing well. Muckel has grown quite a bit and is such a friendly chap. Whenever I am going out to check on the, or just give them a cuddle he comes right up to the door to check out what is going on. I keep raiding the 'green bin' at the market for them at the moment for fresh greens, they both love them
After the rabbits, me and the dogs have breakfst before we head out for our morning walk. Depending on the weather this can be anything from a quick 20 minutes walk to an hour in the woods.
Afterward I am heading to the market for the things that I need. At the moment the rest of the morning is spend tending to the seedlings that are gowing nicely in the office. The temperatures have dropped right back down to below 0 degrees and today we have a very chilly wind which makes it so much colder then it is.
For lunch I made bolognese with the tomato sauce that I canned last fall. It brought a nice tase of summer into the home and was so delicious.
The afternoon was spend framing some pictures from taproot magazine that will be placed around the house. And I also watched some homesteading videos on youtube, mainly around beekeeping and chickens but also saw this video about aquaponics which I found very interesting. Well no bees or chickens for this year anyway and I think this will be quite hurdle to climb and discussions to be held about.Condidering that I have done quite a bit, I am now chilling by listening to some music and having self-made popcorn. I might watch a movie on the laptop in a while. A great way to finish the night off