This morning when I took the girls for a walk, it was cold, dark and cloudy but on some parts of the sky the sun managed to sneak through. The sunrise was not as spectacular then on other days but still beautiful.
I can't really believe that another year has passed. It's hard to believe that a year ago I mentioned that I consider moving back to Germany and now a year later I am already here. It's definitely been an interesting year, planning and executing the move to Germany was one of the highlights for sure. Having the Olympic Games in the UK and visiting them another. Nicole and me had a great time down in London. The chance of my own garden here in Germany was great, being out in the country every day is a dream coming through. The inital work I did for Serco in Germany was tiring and stressfull and cut into my slow paced life but it brought the money in, so I should not complain too much.
I am very much looking forward to 2013, there is so much to do, so much plans and so many goals to be achieved.
To the good life in 2013